Extraction tables and extraction walls
In addition to a fully automated production process, care for the environment and good working conditions are becoming increasingly important for every organization. When editing or finishing materials such as plastic, metal, wood or stone, creates (fine) dust and other pollution. People are increasingly aware of the risk of this and also of the costs of cleaning and delays due to this pollution.
The installation of a mechanical extraction system is often a costly option and is not always possible in practice. There is a simpler solution: placing a suction table or extraction wall.
Why are dust extraction systems important?
Dust extraction systems are an essential part of your operational safety. Finding a demonstrably effective dust extraction system can be difficult, but is very important because it:
- Dust may cause health problems if inhaled. Dust inhalation can lead to a range of diseases from occupational asthma to various cancers, respiratory problems and heart-related diseases.
- Dust can also be combustible. As a possible fire hazard, this can cause injury to your staff.
- Many finishing processes are influenced by atmospheric dust particles. Maintaining a clean working environment is essential for good spraying, coating, etc.
- Packaging in a dusty environment means that process dust is sent to your customers.
- A healthy workforce is always a more productive workforce; fewer sick days mean a more effective company.
- But more importantly, the cost of not creating a safe working environment can be the most expensive mistake your company ever makes.
AirBench table for dust extraction
VertEx Booth for dust extraction